Doctors Day During Covid Pandemic - What are we Celebrating?

July 21, 2023
These are the Best of the Times, these are the worst of times, this is the age of science, this is the age of superstitions, this is the age of wisdom, and this is the age of foolishness.

Charles Dickens wrote something similar two centuries ago and I have taken the liberty to twist it a little bit, as I feel that world is still the pretty much same at a holistic level.

Worst Thing to Happen to Humanity

Covid-19 pandemic is the worst thing to happen to humanity after second world war, with over 181,521,067 confirmed global cases and 3,937,437 attributed deaths reported till date.

Still, we have been able to save more than 97% of those affected by the deadly virus, and the world over there is a renewed respect and honor being bestowed upon the medical fraternity for their herculean efforts. All is not lost, and hope has survived.

Covid -19 vaccines have been the miracle we were waiting for, with near 100% protection from death.

It appears that the age of science is at its peak. But at the same time there are people, still hesitant to get vaccinated. There are people who still don’t believe in the existence of even covid-19. They think it’s a propaganda spread by those in power, to ruin them. Hence there are those sections of the community who follow covid appropriate behavior and there are those who don’t and when something goes wrong, they just blame the system and the doctors for all that is wrong with them.

Acts of Violence

In the recent times the acts of violence against doctors and health workers have increased and vested interests have left no stone unturned to even label the art of modern medicine as stupid science.

We like it or not, but we live in this strange world. And in a country as huge as India, there is no dearth of each kind. But again, while my mind oscillates between this conundrum it's hard to ignore the fact that we doctors are the most fortunate beings as of now as we are best informed and equipped to take right decisions which will have impact on whole mankind.

Doctors Day

India celebrates Doctors Day on 1st July every year in loving memory of Dr.Bidhan Chandra Roy, who was the former chief minister of West Bengal, Bharat Ratna Awardee and an eminent doctor and had his birth and death anniversary on the same day.

While the nation celebrates this day today to acknowledge the role of doctors and health workers in saving lives during the pandemic, we doctors have even more reasons to come together and celebrate this with full vigor.

For all the lives lost, for all the extra hour every one of us put in, for all the sacrifices our family and close ones had to endure, for all the setbacks and for all the gains, for the beauty of life and the wonders of science, for all those whom we could save and for all those whose pain we could minimize, for all the patients who were patient enough and had the faith to follow us, for our spirit of not letting it go and not lose hope, to have hope and give hope.

Friends, these are the best of the times and today is the best day to take a pause and reflect upon our collective efforts and those of all other frontline and other workers, who worked so hard so that humanity stays alive.

Cheers 🍻

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