Be in sync with your cycle: Tracking your menstrual period

Dr Sanjana SN
March 7, 2024


Ever had your period and thought, "Aha! That explains a lot!" Menstrual periods, known by various quirky names like the monthly visitor, red goddess, or crimson wave, are like a monthly subscription to womanhood, lasting around 35 years of your reproductive life. Despite being a natural and normal part of life, menstruation is often ignored, misunderstood, or not given the attention it deserves.

There's a common myth that tracking your period is only for those planning a baby or dealing with menstrual issues. But the truth is, understanding your menstrual cycle is like having a superpower that can help you navigate your reproductive health and overall well-being.

How Period Tracking Can Be Your Superpower:

1. Early Pregnancy Detection

A missed period is often the first sign of pregnancy almost like a bat signal. Knowing your cycle can help you detect pregnancy early on, prompting timely action such as taking a urine pregnancy test if your period is delayed by more than two weeks.

2. Pregnancy Planning

Each menstrual cycle has a fertile period when the chances of conception are highest. For couples trying to conceive, tracking this period can be beneficial. Conversely, for those avoiding pregnancy, it's crucial to use contraception during this phase.

3.Identifying Menstrual Health Problems

Medical conditions like Endometriosis, PCOD, and Menorrhagia often manifest as irregularities in menstrual cycles. Tracking your cycle can help you notice patterns, flow heaviness, and any other alarming signs that may indicate underlying health issues.

4.Indicator of Overall Health

A regular, healthy menstrual cycle is like a thumbs-up from your body, signalling that all is well. Hormonal imbalances in the thyroid or pituitary gland, stress, malnutrition, and autoimmune disorders can all affect your cycle.Your period is your health barometer.

What to Track in Your Cycle:

The date of your last period

Recording the start and end date of your period is the first step in understanding your menstrual health patterns.

Menstrual flow

Is it heavier or lighter than expected. Do you have to change your pads or take extra protection during your period. Has the flow suddenly changed.
These are some questions that ll help you identify your pattern

Mood changes during your periods 

Mood changes are linked to hormonal fluctuations in your body. Common mood changes are irritability, anxiety or depression, usually starting a few days prior to onset of periods or the early days of your cycle. Severe mood changes impacting your daily life may warrant a discussion with your doctor.

Regularity of your periods 

Regular periods indicate good reproductive health, hormonal balance, and aid in predicting ovulation for fertility. They also help monitor overall health, including bone health and mental well-being, by detecting changes in menstrual patterns early.

Presence of clots during your periods 

Passage of blood clots in your periods on a regular basis, is indicative of heavy menstrual blood flow. An important medical history to share with your doctor.

Recognizing Red Flags

Know when to wave the white flag.

Seek help and consult your doctor if:

  • Your cycles are less than 21 days apart
  • Your cycles more than 40 days apart
  • You missed your period for more than two months
  • Your period is consistently heavy or lasts more than seven days
  • Your period is consistently lower than expected or less than two days


Tracking your menstrual health is not just about managing your periods; it's about understanding your body, empowering yourself, and taking charge of your health. So, grab your calendars or apps, and let's ride the wave of menstrual health together!