Nipah Virus Claims Another Life in Kerala: Second Death This Year

September 17, 2024

Nipah virus claims life of 24-year-old student in Kerala, he had initially developed fever symptoms on September 4 and passed away five days later in Malappuram. The blood sample sent to National Institute of Virology in Pune confirmed Nipah infection on September 9. This is the second fatality from the disease in the state this year.

The health department has traced 151 individuals who came into contact with the victim and are closely monitoring them for symptoms. Five others were symptomatic and awaiting their test results.

When humans come into contact with the virus, it can result in inflammation of the brain and death. Nipah is an emerging zoonotic virus from fruit bats that can also spread in pigs. Early detection and containment have become important since currently no vaccine or treatment is available to cure.

According to a recent World Health Organisation report, Kerala still has high vulnerability for Nipah outbreaks. It has caused many deaths in the region since it first appeared in 2018.